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The Plant The Future Dinner

The Plant The Future Dinner is a stakeholder dinner that aims to put ‘less animal-based and more plant-based’ more firmly on the agenda, under the banner of ‘Plant-based the New Normal’, with the goal of a 60/40 ratio of plant/animal proteins in 2030. This ambition is in line with the previously stated ambition in the Climate Agreement and the Healthy Eating Guidelines of the Wheel of Five.

On 13 October 2022, Food Transition Coalition (TcV) organised the second Plant the Future dinner in collaboration with Nieuwspoort and The Farm Kitchen. The dinner took place during Dutch Food Week and was sponsored by BO Akkerbouw, TastyBasics, Bonduelle, Triodos Bank, Schouten Europe and WWF-NL. During the dinner, representatives from science, education, business, farmers, national and regional governments, politics and NGOs interacted on how to make Plant-based the New Normal. In 2021 recommendations were collected from the 240 attendees, resulting in a ten-point plan with policy tools to accelerate the protein transition.

And, as we called for, Minister Staghouwer came up with a vision on the protein transition: a 50/50 ratio in our diet. Now the task is to come up with the concrete implementation of the goal now set by politicians. In October 2022, the 230 attendees engaged in discussions to arrive at that concrete interpretation. We found wider support for 5 points from the ten-point plan to accelerate the protein transition and we presented that to the House of Representatives. The first point, a vison on the protein transition, is answered by the former Minsiter of Agriculture Staghouwer. Action on these 5 points that were the topic during the dinner is our goal for 2023. Moreover, we are working an action agenda for the protein transition, which Transition Coalition Food is building together with key stakeholders.

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The dinner

Enjoy the taste of the plant-based New Normal with a three-course dinner developed and prepared by the plant-based chef Jonathan Karpathios. Together with his team from The Farm Kitchen, he will prepare a three-course dinner: local, seasonal, sustainably produced and delicious. This dinner is entirely plant-based to show that plant-based food is delicious as well as healthy and sustainable.

Naturally, in addition to the taste buds, other senses will also be stimulated. We have therefore put together a nice substantial programme with several national speakers and an international keynote.

The dialogue

The participating organizations pre-selected a discussion topic for their respective tables. The chosen topic revolves around accelerating the shift toward a more plant-based diet. We invite organizations to opt for a theme that pertains to the protein transition. Building upon this theme, these organizations are to extend invitations to 8 guests, initiating a dialogue on how they can contribute to the journey toward a more plant-based diet.

The other guests can include affiliated organizations, scientists, officials, as well as representatives from financial institutions or NGOs. The outcomes of these dialogues will be gathered and utilized as input for the Food Transition Coalition.

“The aim of the dinner is to start the conversation with everyone involved in the protein transition from a positive message on how we can make Plant-based the New Normal.

It would of course be great if together we could come up with recommendations for politicians, government and businesses on how to realise the goal set by Minister Staghouwer,” 
says Natascha Kooiman, initiator of the dinner.


During the Plant The Future Dinners, an inspiring programme provides food for thought. Each time, we work on a wonderful programme to excite those present on different fronts. Curious about the speakers in 2021 and 2022? Then take a look at our retrospectives.


The Plant The Future Dinner is an initiative of Food Transition Coalition, in collaboration with The Farm Kitchen and Nieuwspoort, during the yearly Dutch Food Week. In 2023 the first European Plant The Future Dinner will be organized by the European Alliance of Plant-based Foods (EAPF). EAPF is the front-runner movement striving for a healthy life on a healthy planet. The dinner in 2022 was sponsored by BO Akkerbouw, TastyBasics, Bonduelle, Triodos Bank, Schouten Europe and WWF-NL.

I want to book a table!

Don’t want to miss the 2023 dinner? Book a table! Questions? Please contact us